Events List
Subscribe to events
BluedotPointSdk.on("event_name", (event) => console.log("Event callback", event))
Unsubscribe events
BluedotPointSdk.unsubscribe("event_name", (event) => console.log("Event callback", event))
GeoTriggering Events
Name | Description | Event payload |
enterZone | Device enters a Zone | Object with the following properties:
exitZone | Device exits a Zone | Object with the following properties:
zoneInfoUpdate | The SDK downloads the Zones | List of Zones downloaded can be fetched from BluedotPointSdk.getZonesAndFences() |
Tempo Events
Name | Description | Event payload |
tempoTrackingDidUpdate | Real time ETA updates for every Tempo event send to backend . | Object with the following properties:
tempoTrackingDidExpire | Tempo session has expired (Default 30 minutes). | Object with the following properties: * error : Error description |
tempoTrackingStoppedWithError | Tempo has stopped due to an error. The error will be passed as a parameter in the callback. | Object with the following properties: * error : Error description |
Helpers Events
Name | Description | Event payload |
lowPowerModeDidChange | Low power mode status changes in the device | Object with the following properties: * isLowPowerMode : whether low power mode is enabled or disabled. <Bool> |
locationAuthorizationDidChange | Location authorization status changes | Object with the following properties: previousAuthorizationStatus newAuthorizationStatus |
accuracyAuthorizationDidChange | Accuracy authorization status changes. * Only for iOS | Object with the following properties: previousAuthorizationStatus newAuthorizationStatus |